5 keys to a Minimum Viable Brand (MVB)

Hey Reader,

You’ve probably heard of an MVP (Minimum Viable Product): the simplest version of a product with just enough features to solve a problem, get feedback, and find market validation.

But forget an MVP. You need an MVB.

A Minimum Viable Brand.

You have a lot of experience in your industry that you’ve built up over years, but you don’t have the public credibility and reputation to back it up.

You know that a great way to establish yourself as an authority is to teach what you know, create content, and build an audience.

But you don't want to be a full-time creator and don’t want to get stuck constantly having to create content.

So it feels like you either have to be anonymous and work behind-the-scenes or commit to going all in as a full-time creator.

This is a false dichotomy.

In the middle is the MVB: a Minimum Viable Brand.

A Minimum Viable Brand is where you build out your online presence—not to become a full-time creator but to demonstrate your expertise.

Why is this important?

Well let’s think about this: When you have a brand, you can send a cold email and have a good chance of getting a response. Because when the recipient looks you up, they’ll find an established online presence that sets you apart from the competition.

Having a Minimum Viable Brand increases your luck surface area and puts you head and shoulders above everyone else.

It’s not enough to be an expert. You need to be seen as an expert as well.

And fortunately, doing so doesn’t require you to become a full-time creator.

Here are 5 keys to a Minimum Viable Brand. It’s pretty straightforward and consists of:

  1. A clear point of view (establish the value you offer to the world)
  2. Consistent representation across social platforms (headshot, bio, etc.)
  3. A long-form podcast interview that demonstrates your expertise
  4. 10 short form videos or essays that talk through your key points (clips from the podcast episode as well as standalone videos)
  5. A simple landing page that aggregates all of this into one place (Kit is great for this)

You could do these things yourself or you could hire someone to help you set it up.

This is actually something we were exploring hosting as an event called the “Personal Brand Foundry”. You’d fly in for a couple days and our team would interview you, get your story, and help you record all of the content you need for the next six months. We’d take photos for your headshot, help you write your bio, and spin up a website, social media accounts, and automated email course.

The easiest way to create clips that demonstrate your expertise is to have someone interview you. It's not a real podcast, but instead just focused on getting perfect clips. This is what we’d do for you, although you could do it on your own or find a friend to sit down with you in person (Kit Studios is free for customers) and have them ask you questions like:

  • "What's the biggest misconception about your industry?"
  • "What's your number one tip for ______?"
  • etc.

Answer in full sentences that include the question, then cut out the person asking and punch in on your camera.

You can easily get 15-20 of these clips in an hour. If you mess up, just say it again. Everything will be edited, so it's low pressure.

The workshop idea is still in the early stages, and we’re still gaging if it’s viable, but if this sounds like something you’d be interested in investing in, feel free to reply to this email.

That aside, here is a bonus tip:

Create a 5-day automated email course that teaches the topic you are an expert in. This could be a crash course in personal finance, an introduction to designing iOS, how to use a certain database, or anything else.

Link to it from your social channels and landing page.

This will give you a way to capture subscribers without committing you to manually writing a newsletter 52 weeks a year.

Again, the goal here isn’t to put you in a position where you’re constantly having to create new content but simply to establish a Minimum Viable Brand.

I hope sharing this approach helps make the idea feel more possible for a busy professional in any industry.

What do you think of this idea? Does it inspire you to create an online presence for yourself?

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The NEW Way to Become a Full-Time Creator in 12 Months (or less)

This week, I'm joined by Jed Eglington who shares the new way creators are earning a living in 2025.

Jed shares his journey from in-house creator to successful business owner, outlining how to develop video, storytelling, and production skills that companies actually value. He breaks down what businesses look for when hiring creators and how to position yourself for these opportunities.

We cover:

  • 3 key skills every beginner creator needs
  • How to start earning (even with zero followers)
  • Blueprint on pitching yourself to brands effectively

Watch or listen to episode »


Why this engineer still works at Kit 10 years later

Most people hop tech jobs every few years, but not Marc Boquet. This is how he became one of Kit’s first employees and why he’s never left.

This article is part of the Life at Kit series to help job seekers learn more about the team and gain a deeper insight into the behind-the-scenes of what it’s like to work at Kit.

Feel free to check out the positions we’re hiring for at the moment. They include an Executive Assistant, Engineering Manager, and Senior Director of Marketing.

Read post »

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The Diplomat (Netflix)

A TV show I’m really enjoying is The Diplomat on Netflix.

It’s currently on Season 2, but they just renewed for a third season, which could be coming this fall.

If you haven’t seen the show, check out the trailer for Season 1 above. It’s a geopolitical drama revolving around an ambassador who finds herself in the middle of an international crisis. There are spies, espionage, and high-stakes scenarios that keep things interesting.

If you enjoyed shows like The West Wing or House of Cards, you’ll probably like this one too.

View series on Netflix »

Have a great week!


Nathan Barry

I'm a designer who turned into a writer who turned into a startup CEO. My mission is to help creators earn a living. Subscribe for essays on building an audience and earning a living as a creator.

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